neděle 7. října 2012

Beware of Chaos!


This is a new project of Asya and Chloe from Smoosh. The shift is apparent, now it is poppy, catchy and more electro music! But still very nice.

neděle 19. srpna 2012

sobota 16. června 2012

středa 6. června 2012

Pytel Blech

 I'm sure you've never heard of Pytel Blech. I discovered them by accident. Quite a good alternative music. And half of the band is from the Czech Republic and half is from Austria.
Check it out:

neděle 4. března 2012

Las Kellies

Las Kellies are from Argentina. Basically, they play something like punk. It reminds me a bit of Clash because of the funk and dub influence. But they sound a lot more like ESG.

neděle 19. února 2012

Las Robertas

I'm not sure but I think they have a male drummer right now and also some other personal changes should've been made according to their photos... But still, they used to be a girl band as far as I know.

pondělí 13. února 2012

Hey hey, Lady Day!

Three piece acoustic/indie band from California. Amazing music! Epecially when all you can do is just stare at the ceiling of your room...

Listen to their song Catch me up!