sobota 10. prosince 2011


This is a quite new indie band from Norway. 

Check out the official video to their very catchy song Vondt i hjertet! ;)

sobota 26. listopadu 2011


Asy, Chloe and Maia, sisters from Seattle, are the most original band ever! They're inspiring me (and not only me :D ) all the time.
Smoosh - Find A Way
The Big Three aka Smoosh = absolute must-listen-to band! :D

pátek 11. listopadu 2011

Betty Blowtorch

They sometimes might look like weird (like in the first photo) or whatever but I still like their songs I Wish You'd Die and No Integrity! :D (Hey, notice The Runaways and Led Zeppelin t-shirt! :) )

pátek 4. listopadu 2011


I would be gratefull to find some more photos of Autoclave. These are the only ones  I've found:

album cover:

and the two photos:

Autoclave didn't last much long, just about one year - from summer 1990 to may 1991. Such a pity.... :( (The good news is, the recordings still exist! :D)

neděle 23. října 2011

Zuby nehty

My very favourite Czech girl band! They started in the early 80's as Plyn, then they were Dybbuk and then Zuby nehty. I love them as much as I love Smoosh. And that means a lot! :)

Zuby Nehty - Ale čert to vem
Zuby Nehty - Výprava do Amazonských pralesů za diamantem

čtvrtek 13. října 2011

sobota 1. října 2011

Teach us how to rock, girls! ;)

Here they are, this is the best school ever.......GIRLSCHOOL! :D By the way, they toured with Motorhead and Rush! 

sobota 24. září 2011

Oh, Those Dancing Days....

Very nice swedish indie pop, pleasant listening for a nice day! :) Such a pity they're on hiatus since 30 Aug 2011...